// Given a list (fulllist) [A,B,C,D,E,F]
// and a subset of the 'fulllist' but in a different order
// return a new version of the full list honoring the requested order
function idx(list, scale) {
return list.reduce((ret,v,i) => {ret[v] = (i+1)*scale; return ret;},{} );
function sIx(elem, mp, subIx, ret) {
let pos = mp[elem];
if( pos === undefined) {
return subIx+1;
ret[elem] = pos;
return pos;
* @param {[type]} subListWithNewOrder
* @param {[type]} fullList
* @return {[type]}
export default function reord(subListWithNewOrder,fullList) {
var mp = idx(subListWithNewOrder||[],fullList.length);
// console.log(mp);
var ret = {};
fullList.reduce((v,e) => sIx(e,mp,v, ret), 0 );
var cmp = (a,b) => ret[a] - ret[b];
return (list) => { var l = (list||fullList).slice(0); l.sort(cmp); return l;};