import isArray from '../utils/types/isArray';
* Use with a reducer
* @param {Array} res
* @param {[type]} arr
* @return {[type]}
export function FLATTEN(res=[],arr) { return isArray(arr)?res.concat(arr):(res.push(arr), res); }
* Flatten an array to a depth of level, for example if level = 1, only flatten at the top level (depath1)
* @param {[with_inner_arra]} arr
* @param {integer} level - depth the given or undefined the flatten to the bottom
* @return {[type]}
export function flatten(arr, level) {
if (!isArray(arr)) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid argument, Please pass proper array argument');
var result = [];
if (level === undefined)
return recursiveFlatten(arr, result);
return recursiveFlattenWithDepth(arr, result, level);
function recursiveFlatten(arr, result) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (isArray(arr[i])) {
recursiveFlatten(arr[i], result);
} else
return result;
function recursiveFlattenWithDepth(arr, result, level) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (isArray(arr[i]) && level > 0) {
recursiveFlattenWithDepth(arr[i], result, level-1);
} else result.push(arr[i]);
return result;